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Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
Unlimited bandwidth
5 websites hosted
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Low-Cost Shared Hosting Services
Hosting is a type of service that offers web space for you to host your website so that it is always available on the World Wide Web. There are a lot of web hosting firms that offer this sort of service and choosing the most suitable one for your online requirements can be difficult.
Selecting your web hosting supplier
If you have just begun setting up your web site or are intending to build one, spending lots of money on a web hosting account is ordinarily not the first thing you want to do. Discovering an affordable web hosting packages provider should therefore be your goal and, when the search begins, you'll see that making a decision is not that easy.
Different types of web hosting
There are different types of hosting solutions, among them Dedicated Server, VPS, shared web hosting plans and charge-free web hosting plans. The free-of-cost hosting packages usually involve forced advertisements on your site, so if you want to set up a professional-looking, respectable website, that would be an inappropriate decision. The dedicated and VPS servers, on the other hand, are typically costly and are not the first thing that comes to mind. Shared web hosting plans are priced differently, but there are hosting providers that provide moderately priced shared hosting plans. One such web hosting company is ARK SERVERS. We have shared web hosting servers in the United Kingdom, in the USA and even in Australia. Our high-quality hosting solutions are offered at very low prices.
How affordable is the affordable web hosting service?
Depending on the system resources that you will require for your web site, there are various web hosting plans you can pick from. ARK SERVERS provides 4 affordable web hosting plans with a lot of features. The best of all is not only that you can get the least expensive web hosting package and then upgrade at any particular time to any of the other web hosting plans, but also that you can choose between monthly and yearly payment periods.
A user-friendly, comprehensive web hosting Control Panel
Different hosting companies offer different kinds of Control Panels, but the majority of them employ third-party software like cPanel or DirectAdmin. ARK SERVERS, on the other hand, have our own hosting Control Panel software entitled Hepsia. The amazing thing about Hepsia is that it is extremely intuitive and offers powerful features. Once inside the Control Panel, you can move around the different sections easily, and the extraordinary File Manager has functions resembling those of your own PC – you right-click a folder to get a list with the operations you can perform.
Not sure what to undertake? The knowledge database is just for you!
ARK SERVERS also offers an in-depth knowledge base inside the hosting Control Panel that contains answers to many inquiries that you might have and that can walk you through accomplishing many tasks, from administering your files and e-mails to setting up your e-mailbox accounts on your iPad or iPhone. We offer 24-7-365 client support through our support ticket system located in the Control Panel, and have so far never failed to answer any request or inquiry.